Friday, December 5, 2008

Great new restaurant!

If you'd like a new place to eat, try Wildflower Cafe in downtown Mason near the intersection of 42 and Kings Mill.  They do lunches all week, dinner on Fridays or other days with reservations.  Very tasty food, leaning towards locally grown and organic.  The half sandwich and cream of potato soup w/asparagus was delicious and the chocolate/butter pecan cake with chocolate ganache was yummy and quite huge!  I never made it to the Chocolate Morel or Tea Roses, but I made it here and I hope it is here to stay.  Surprisingly, I am not being paid for this review and do not own any shares in the restaurant itself.  I am just extremely satisfied after a fantastic lunch.

1 comment:

Karen Osler said...

Always great to hear of and support a local guy! Maybe we could meet there and do lunch sometime? Thanks for the information!