Recently I had the ....experience to tour Rumpke dump a.k.a Mt. Rumpke, in Colerain. Did you know they give tours? Did you know people actually go? What is in the landfills is 60% recyclable, but isn't. Then I picked up "Cincinnati" Magazine for 8/08 and it had a section on recycling and what to do with hazardous materials. I jotted the information down because I thought it'd be good for our blog. IF any of this is not correct, please correct it in the comments section. A special Computer Recycling Day is scheduled:Drop it off at: Mason Municipal Building
6000 Mason Montgomery Road
Saturday, August 30, 2008
9 AM – 12 NoonAll computers will be recycled or refurbished for underprivileged people.
Computer Units Mice
Monitors Printers
Key Boards
Attention Computer Geeks!
Would you like to help out on collection day?
Please call 513-695-1209 and volunteer!
You can pick up free recycling bins at the city building. If you pick up a second bin, just make sure it's 3/4 full when you put it out or they are instructed to pick it up.
Household Waste (Paint Cans,anti-freeze,yard waste etc.) Contact Warren County Solid Waste Management Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8 AM to 4:30 PM (except holidays)
Telephone: 513-695-1209
Computer disposal/recycle: IAP 931-8950 or 985-1300* or Tristate Computer Exchange 870-9475 ext. 3571* (* means service fees may apply)
Appliances - Contact Solid Waste Management *
Tires: Contact Rumpke (They line the landfills and use it as covering) or your local tire dealer......or they make nice rope swings..........
Ammunition:Contact the Warren County Sheriff 695-1280 and contact me so I don't honk you off.
Propane Tanks: Collett's Propane Lebanon 228-1424 or Wilmington (SR 73 by Camp Kirkwood) 937-328-1624
Other "recyclables": Michele Ellis is saving plastic lids from soda's,etc. which get cashed in for chemo treatments for children. The elementary schools save Campbell soup labels and Boxtops for Education. And Christ Church at Mason has a paper recycling bin (green and yellow) at the back of the church on the Western Row Rd. side.
I feel like I should sing a song from the 70's here about loving mother earth, but it's early and my voice isn't warmed up.
If you have a work Mac - preferably a MacBook Pro, then I'll recycle it for you. Thanks.
I was expecting a comment about amo.........
Great post.
FYI, per Mike E. The municipal center is giving away or selling (I can't remember) new recycle bins. They are larger than the ones we have now. I keep meaning to go get one, ours is overflowing each week.
Yeah , we just got one. They are nice. It was the recycle guy who told me they are instructed to pick up the second one if it isn't "mostly full". We save the tiny one for high volume weeks (read family get together and holidays). I was at the municipal building paying taxes and was jonesin for a "gimme". Walked out with my shiny red well spent!
Thank you for sending out a reminder about recycling and Rumpke's landfill tours. Recycling is vital for all of us. If we don't recycle the landfill will fill and without the landfill our garbage collection prices will increase as garbage will be hauled greater distances to other landfills. Recycling is a partnership, it has its costs, but it is worth it to preserve our environment for tomorrow's generations. For more information or to book a tour residents can call us at 741-2617 or visit Recycling tours are also available for ages 13 and up. Thank you for recycling!
Dear Rumpke Rep, thanks for your input. Please don't take away my extra bin. I'm getting into this recycling thing!
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