Wednesday, December 2, 2009

hoa annual meeting notes

Attendance: Rick and Barb Ianniello, Braham Prakash, Richard Klaus, Jeff Krauz, Ronnell Spears, Donna Burns, Dan and Kim Buck and Rob Westbrook, Linda Durbin, Dan Baum, Karen Osler, Lisa Gazda and Lynn Rook. Proxies received from Joe Hilloughby, John Conyers, and Nasr Enany

New Business:

  • Election: After introductions and reminding folks of our neighborhood blog, we voted to replace Koti Sreekrishna as he rotated off the board. Linda Durbin volunteered and was unanimously accepted. We also voted to have two of the other four board members rotate out next year and two the following year (effectively extending two people for a period of one year). This was to get us back to a regular rotation.
  • We then reviewed the budget versus expenses for 2009. There we no issues.
  • I announced our fees for 2010 will follow the 4% inflation that we forecasted resulting in $630.
  • Karen Osler received gift cards from Natorp in the amount of $75. She will use these and organize a few others to do some small plantings whenever she deems best.
  • We talked how general appearance seems to be improved and I encouraged folks to deal with their neighbors directly as 'issues' arise. In particular I reminded them that new mailboxes are very cheap.
  • The majority of our time was spent discussing the trail on the outer perimeter on the north and west sides of our property. The situation is not acceptable in that maintenance is too expensive and even with that not at the same standard as the rest of our property. A committee of Braham Prakash, David Burns, and Dan Baum will work with the board to develop options and action steps. The current general direction is to look at replacing the path with grass and maintaining that just as we do the center common area. There are many details to be worked out to include a timeline. This team will take the lead on that.

Anyone Want Some Daylillies?

I dug these up from the front entrance the night before the city was going to kill them when they widened the road. (I did enjoy many of the neighbors slowing to see what I was doing! I realize it looked suspicious!)
I have kept them alive (hardy flowers!), and will be splitting them next spring. I feel they are the neighborhoods' flowers so if anyone wants some next end of April/ early May please email me at
Also if anyone has a particular "color scheme" for the front annuals next spring also let me know. It will be an exciting spring in the neighborhood. Thanks for everyone who turned out last p.m. at the meeting!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

finding a movie

In case you were still calling Moviefone, you may want to check out ShowtimeFu. The left sidebar allows for a lot of customization and is one of the most comprehensive search tools I've found ... unless of course you are one of the cool kids with an iPhone and some fancy app.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's Corn Maze Time Again!

Iron's Fruit Farm is just off SR 48 (towards Lebanon)on Stubbs Mill Road.
A celebration of 10 years of maze making!

Our maze for the 2009 season is a celebration of creating mazes for 10 years! Come on out to the farm and work your way through some of our past themes (smaller versions) - don't worry, it shouldn't take you 10 years to get through!

The Maze is cut into a 12 acre field of corn (that's almost 12 football fields) and is open on weekends in September and October.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Just a quick update on what is going on with our sprinklers.

One of the zones (at the base of the west entrance wall) is stuck on and there is a water leak at the curb on the east side of the entrance. The city will have Creech's Liquid Lawn look at these ... hopefully soon. In the meantime the systems are off except the zone at the north end of the center pathway because we put some patchmaster out in some bare spots.

And yes, we purposefully killed the grass in the center island at the entrance in preparation for tree removal and then replanting the island and at the base of the entrance walls.

Please let the HOA board know if you spot other issues.

Friday, September 4, 2009

it's fall

If you are not following the Conyer® plan you should at least be able to track along with the simple Scotts® approach. Now's also the time to decide if you are going to over-seed. If you have bare patches, than nothing can be easier than either of Scott's PatchMaster® products ... just add water.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

outer trail

We have almost completed the clean-up work around the trail around the outside boundary of Mason Fields. The remaining work is to remove the gravel around the drain on the west side and to put more stone on the path where it is washed out. The effort cost $5000. We are committed keeping this up but it will require work. Some of us will do some minor clean-up and it would be very helpful if the homeowners around the path could help keep the area trimmed. We will pay TRGear to mow.

If we cannot keep the tree line back ourselves it will lead to increased costs - something all of us would like to avoid. So please, as much as is reasonable, help us keep this maintained. With this recent effort we hope that on-going trimming will be manageable.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

entrance sign

Letters for the sign at our front entrance will be ordered first thing next week. This took some time to find a good source and then decide on options. Anyway, they should be installed 2-3 weeks from the time we get them ordered.

free chick-fil-a

Register here for possible free sandwich ... minimum free drink at Chick-fil-A ... also, on Labor Day, wear a team jersey to a store and you get a free sandwich.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

natorp's sale

Thanks Beth for the reminder ...

If you haven't been to Natorp's, you need to ... and, if you become a preferred gardener, you can participate in the "big sale" two days before the public opening.

Monday, August 10, 2009

fertilizer time

Per the John Conyers Guide to a Happy Lawn, it's about time to apply Scotts® Turf Builder® Lawn Fertilizer with 2% Iron. This is not a critical application if you are on a budget but your lawn will thank you if you can spare it.

Also, John doesn't want anyone to know but he is also some soil conditioner this year.

ice cream social

I love this neighborhood. At least one reason is it's diversity. Thanks to all who attended the ice cream social this past weekend.

UPDATE: the photos in the slide show are pretty low quality. If there is one that you are interested in I could print it or get you a high res original file ... just let me know.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

gardening sand

I have 6, 0.5 cubic feet bags of landscaping/gardening sand, free to a good home. I bought too much for a project and would rather give it to a neighbor than take it back to the store. Let me know if you are interested.

Jim Osler

6769 Summer Field drive
phone 336-0312

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

trail and other updates

This is to update you regarding the trail along the outer edge of our HOA property.

In past years the required maintenance was minimal due to drought conditions. This year it has been quite the opposite and we have neglected to maintain the trail as we should. We are collecting estimates this week for the following:
  • cut the tree line back 4-5 feet from the trail
  • maintain that via routine schedule
  • cut grass/weeds between trail and tree line as needed
  • replace rock on trail in washed out areas
  • complete the trail to the new bike path on Western Row
We have purchased a sprayer to take care of weed control ourselves and have already completed the first application (thanks John!).

Relative to replanting around the entrance walls and center island, this is being postponed until we complete the repair on the wall. Unfortunately we are having trouble getting reasonable bids to repair the wall. We are working that. When it is completed we will likely use volunteers for the replanting.

Relative to our sprinkler system there has been some maintenance/replacement lately and we will now work on timing. If you see a problem please contact one of the board with as much detail as you can.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

party source

You will not want to miss a single EQ class at the Party Source with these ladies. Call if you want more info.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ice Cream Social - August 8th

We have set a date for the Ice Cream Social for Sat. 8/8/09 7pm
(A rain date is set for 8/9/09)
Between the common area by the trail. Look for the tables. Bring some ice cream and some lawn chairs. We are looking forward to a good turn out!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

cow appreciation day

Hey - free meals at Chick-fil-A on July 10 if you dress like a cow. This is a great deal!!!

Cad Main Cow
And for the not-so-creative (Rich), there's a costume kit pre-made for you.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Yard Waste Pick Up

Check your water bill today for yard waste pick up information! I was wondering why our street is (and has been) lined with yard waste, now I understand. They have instruction for proper disposal/setting out of yard waste. They want it laid out, cut end first, on the grass in an orderly fashion. They won't pick up "piles" of yard waste in the street (or anywhere else). The only want tree limbs. Ornamental grasses/ weeds/ vines/ debris/ small sticks go in the trash. We also have a new monthly rate of $13.26 for waste service. If you have questions or a large tree/ item pick up you can call 229-8533.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

iron pins

For those of you interested ... I received this today ...

I am writing to provide notice that LJB survey crews, working on behalf of the City of Mason, will be setting iron pins on the property corners of the Mason Fields plat associated with the Western Row Road Widening project that was recently completed. This work is scheduled to be completed over the next two weeks. The iron pins will be set on all un-monumented lot corners within the common areas that were re-platted as a part of the roadway project.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

western row road update

Mainline has subcontracted with Creech's Liquid Lawn, Inc. to repair the irrigation system. This work should begin sometime early next week. Creech's has also made repairs for the Lexington Park subdivision early in the project and appear to do a great job.

We are waiting for Duke Energy to disconnect power to the streetlight in the median at the entrance to your subdivision. These lights are maintained by Duke, so we do not have access to the controls. The extra wire will be removed and the light made operational as soon as possible.

The top soil behind the new walls was placed yesterday.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Save Time and Money by Watering the Right Way.
True, water is essential to lawns. But too much or too little can harm them. Running the sprinkler all night wastes a precious resource and sets up the right conditions for disease. Frequent, light waters in set your lawn up for trouble in hot weather. Here are a few easy pointers for correct watering.

Watering Basics
You want deep, infrequent waterings that get into the root zone. That means at least half an inch twice a week, or an inch once a week as a rule of thumb.

When to Water
Early in the morning is the ideal time to water for most lawns. There's less wind, less hot sun, and your lawn has a full day to dry. Watering at night invites mildew and fungus. In the hot afternoon, much of your water can be lost to wind and evaporation. If you live in the dry southwest, though, the rules are different. There, watering in the evening or night causes less evaporation.

Use the Screwdriver Test
You can water carefully and properly, but if the water isn't absorbed, your efforts are wasted. The only way to tell for sure whether the water is soaking in is by testing. Stick an 8-inch screwdriver into the ground after watering. If it goes in 6 inches, you've watered well.

Make Sure You're Watering Evenly
Sprinklers are ornery things. They don't always put water down equally. To make sure water is going where it's supposed to, place a few empty soup cans around your lawn, and run your sprinkler for about 20 minutes. If water collects evenly in the cans, you know your sprinkler is doing its job.

Be Accurate: Use a Rain Gauge
How do you know how much you've watered unless you've measured? That's what's nice about water gauges. At a glance, you can tell how much water has gone on your lawn - either from your sprinkler or rain. You'll find gauges at most lawn and garden centers.


Time to put down that Scotts GrubEx.

Preventing Grub Damage Video - Scotts Miracle-Gro

Friday, June 5, 2009

ribbon cutting

City Staff are working on a brief ribbon cutting ceremony/photo opportunity to commemorate the completion of the Western Row Road project (should be finished and opened mid next week.) The ribbon cutting will be held at 6:15 p.m. prior to the Council meeting on Monday night. The event will take place at the flashing lights on Western Row Road at the entrance to Luxottica. Those interested in attending can park in Luxottica's parking lot. You can access the lot off of Western Row Road at the flashing signal. Area businesses and HOA's as well as press will be invited to attend.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yellow Nutsedge

Do not try to pull this guy up. If you do not get the nut underground it will just grow back or worse multiply. Here's more info. It requires a specific spray, Sedgehammer, with a surfactant to kill. Rick Ianniello can sell one gallon worth for $5 if you want. Just bring water and a sprayer and he'll take care of you.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


It's summer in the neighborhood ... watch your speed.

Monday, June 1, 2009

friday get togethers

For the past few years, a few of us in the neighborhood have connected on random Friday nights just to have a drink, a snack, and hang out. Over time we do that less and less frequently but it's still a nice way to get to know some of our neighbors. If you are interested in being on the invitation list and haven't been getting invites, please send your name, number and email address to

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

western row road update

Some of you have noticed that the streetlight in the entrance way is not functioning. That will be taken care of by the city likely this week or next.

The city will ensure topsoil is placed between the new retaining walls and our sign before the project is complete.

The final layer of asphalt on the entire road should start June 1st and will take approximately 5 days to complete. The road will be open during paving, but there may be some lane shifts or minor delays at times. The entire project should be complete by the end of June, weather permitting.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Carpenter Bee Invasion

I have noticed we have Carpenter Bees throughout our neighborhood. They have made nests in many of our mailbox posts.

Carpenter bees tunnel into wood to lay their eggs. Bare, unpainted or weathered softwoods are preferred, especially redwood, cedar, cypress and pine. Painted or pressure-treated wood is much less susceptible to attack. Common nesting sites include eaves, window trim, facia boards, siding, wooden shakes, decks and outdoor furniture. They created a nest on the underside of our mailbox.

Liquid sprays of carbaryl (Sevin), chlorpyrifos (Dursban), or a synthetic pyrethroid (e.g., permethrin or cyfluthrin) can be applied as a preventive to wood surfaces which are attracting bees. Residual effectiveness of these insecticides is often only 1-2 weeks, however, and the treatment may need to be repeated. Tunnels which have already been excavated are best treated by puffing an insecticidal dust (e.g., 5 percent carbaryl) into the nest opening. Aerosol sprays labeled for wasp or bee control also are effective. Leave the hole open for a few days after treatment to allow the bees to contact and distribute the insecticide throughout the nest galleries. Then plug the entrance hole with a piece of wooden dowel coated with carpenter's glue, or wood putty. This will protect against future utilization of the old nesting tunnels and reduce the chances of wood decay.

Here are 2 sites for additional information.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

grounds care

The following is from our grounds maintenance company, TRGear:

We appreciate the patience you have demonstrated over the past 5 to 6 weeks regarding the mulching of your beds, mowing of your lawn, fertilizing and weed control of your lawn and management of the weeds in your beds. Over the past 37 days; 21 of those have been rain days totaling almost 5” of rainfall. At times we have been able to perform minimal service on the rain days however we have to be careful. Obviously we don’t want to tear up your lawns with mowing equipment and obviously we can’t spray weed control on the lawn or in the landscape beds; it needs to be as dry as possible to get the full effect. In a lot of cases we will pull the weeds in the landscape beds by hand. It won’t be long and we will be pruning your shrubs and planting flowers. Our crews have been working Saturdays and Sundays to take advantage of any dry and sunny days that present themselves. Eventually there will be an assigned day that the crew will be at your property however currently it may vary one or two days until the rain becomes less frequent. Thank you again for your patience and as always feel free to contact me at any time.
Please let me know if you have concerns.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

news report

DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP, Ohio -- Authorities are looking for a man suspected of trying to entice a child into his van Monday in Deerfield Township.

Investigators said the man asked an 11-year-old child to get into his vehicle at a school bus stop, but the child refused and the man left the area as the bus arrived.

The man was described as white and in his 50s, with a pale complexion and a tall, muscular build, a dark mustache and glasses.

His vehicle was described as a small, older white van with white curtains in the windows and rust on the sides, and investigators said the vehicle chirped or squealed while driving.

If you have any information about this incident, call Crimestoppers at 513-352-3040.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

western row road construction update

Due to wet weather and a conflict with Time-Warner underground conduit, the bike path will not likely be paved until mid-May.

Also, the minimum width for the path is 8 feet therefore a section of white fence will have to be relocated. This section is on the west side of our entrance. Both the fence and bushes behind it will be moved.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


If you see this man, stay away from him ... he's nuts.

Monday, April 20, 2009

more mulch

They are called Impact Land and Landscaping.

Todd Huffine

Really nice guy too. He is to do my beds this week. So if you want a quote he will be in the area.

I did the pre-clean up and put down PREEN to save cost. He will do that too if you like.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

let's talk pruning

Proper pruning ...

Friday, March 27, 2009


Ok folks ... time to weigh in ... where is the best place to buy mulch? Key considerations, price and lasting color (assuming bug and weed free).

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bigg's Deal

Hey Bigg's has a few exceptionally good deals right now. If you buy a Bigg's gift card for $300 you get an additional $30 added. If you buy $1200(max)gift card, you get $120 extra added. Offer good until 4/15/09, but the gift cards never expire. They only do this once a year. That coupled with their pump perks is awesome. We have had 3 free tanks of gas since it started. I know people vary where they shop, so I thought I'd mention this current promo.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Ah ... signs of summer ...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

mason fields sign

Andrea Klaus and I met with the city representative and the contractors for the Western Row work regarding the damage to our sign at the entrance way. We presumed the damage was caused by the construction but when we met we were presented with a number of photographs indicating that the damage has been there since before construction began. We simply didn't notice it due to shrubbery and the angle from ground level. Therefore repairs will be made by our HOA after construction is complete. If anyone in the neighborhood has masonry experience, please contact one of the HOA board members soon. As a side note, the bike path should be finished in late April and the road opened in late May.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Turfbuilderwwatersmarthalts StdHey - if you didn't get your Turf Builder with Halts down this weekend you are almost too late!

Monday, March 9, 2009

road work

As a part of the Western Row Road widening project, the traffic signal controller must be relocated at the intersection of Western Row Road and Mason-Montgomery Road. This work is scheduled to begin at 9:00 am on Tuesday, March 10th, and is expected to be completed by 4:00 pm. Traffic at the intersection will be controlled by Law Enforcement Officers during construction, as the traffic signal will have to be shut down.

UPDATE **** Sorry, we received some incorrect information. The location for the signal work is actually Western Row and Tylersville Road. It is not Mason-Montgomery Road. Sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

entrance sign

As you surely have noticed, the signs at the entrance to our neighborhood have been damaged. We are working with the city to negotiate responsibility and next steps. If any of you have any specific data regarding how/when the damage occurred, please pass that on to your nearest board member or comment here with a way to get back to you for follow-up questions. The more detail we can provide the better our leverage with the city.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

The History of Mason

History of Mason

On June 1, 1803, Revolutionary War veteran William Mason paid $1,700 at auction to purchase 640 acres of land in what is now downtown Mason. In 1815, he platted 16 lots on this land and named the village "Palmira." In 1832, 2 years after the death of William Mason and according to his will, over 40 more lots were platted on the north, south, and west of Palmira. When the plat was officially recorded, the name of the village was listed as "Palmyra."

In 1835, a petition was sent to the federal post office to correct the name of the town. It had been listed as Kirkwood, possibly an error because the postmaster at the time was William Kirkwood. When village officials were informed that there was another Palmyra in Ohio, the name was officially changed to "Mason." Mason remained a small farming community for another 125 years. In 1970, a year before the town was incorporated to become a city, there were fewer than 5,700 residents. Today, the City of Mason covers over 11,200 acres and is home to nearly 25,000 people and approximately 500 businesses. (Historical information from Around Mason, Ohio: A Story, by Rose Marie Springman.)

The City of Mason continues to draw upon its history as it eagerly anticipates the future. It is increasingly being recognized as a rapidly growing, progressive community with an attractive industrial base. Known as a business-friendly community, it stands ready to work with developers and business owners to create a carefully planned and attractive community that serves both residents and businesses. The number of new businesses regularly looking to locate in Mason and the expansion of existing enterprises confirms Mason's success. Cintas Corporation, Mitsubishi, Procter & Gamble's Health Care Research Center, and Luxottica Retail are among the premier companies located in Mason.

Mason is also recognized as the resort area of southwest Ohio. Kings Island Amusement Park, The Beach Water Park, Great Wolf Lodge and Conference Center, and The Golf Center at Kings Island are among the prominent recreation destinations in Mason. Mason is home to the world-recognized Tennis Masters Series-Cincinnati as well as several well-loved local annual events. The Alverta Green Museum, operated by the Mason Historical Society, keeps the city in touch with its historical roots.

Mason has preserved its small town charm, but maintains a high level of municipal services and a prestigious corporate community. Over $50 million in utility and infrastructure projects have prepared the city for the ongoing growth.

A combination of fortunate location, far-sighted city leadership, innovative management, outstanding schools, successful corporations, and a close-knit traditional community have succeeded in building a progressive, polished city with a comfortable hometown feel. Mason's community theme campaign, "imagine Mason," embodies this outlook by capturing the essence of a city that continues to reflect on the past while creating the future.

Friday, March 6, 2009

fountain update

Fellow Mason Fields homeowners, this post is to let you know that after a year we continue to have technical problems with our fountain. However, the company who installed it is still standing behind it. They came out today to inspect it and have agreed to pull the unit, give it a full overhaul, and replace in a few weeks. All of this is weather dependent but I wanted you to know that we haven't given up. Thanks for your patience.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Carrabba's Italian Grill

Another business that you may want to know about. It's a chain, right? Not really. It's actually owned and operated by an individual. It just so happens that our Mason Carrabba's owner was trained by the Carrabba brothers in Tx. and came up here to open all the Carrabba's. He has sold off all the local Carrabba's except ours. He works as GM and cook. He loves to cook. He taught a cooking class last night and was very good. He explained that he can make items for you that aren't on the menu. He also sells certain products that you can only get at Carrabba's, like their Marsala wine, herb blend, etc. He was open and offered up all the "secrets". I trust people who do this. People who smugly say "It's proprietary or a family recipe" make me want to kick them, maybe that's just me.I'm mean like that. This guy was a straight shooter, great businessman and great cook. I haven't been to Carrabba's in a while but we are going soon.Just of note he said the pasta dish Tagliarni Picchi Pacchiu was so good he had to learn how to make it and thus his future with Carrabba's began. Interesting to me.
They now have Sun lunch hours, too.
152 Merten Drive Mason 339-0901
Is there a business you think we should know about??
PS I should mention that he is teaching the same class again at Cookware's 4/9 (not in brochure just call) due to this class being sold out. The class is $40 and he gives you a $20 gift certificate. Call now - It will sell out.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yard Advice From U. of Ky. Extension Program

This is a link about year-round yard care. I had NO idea what I need to be doing NOW. It covers veggies/shrubs, etc. I found this very helpful. Hope you do ,too. Now get out there!(Please note that last night was directed only at me!)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Customer Service - Pak Mail

Pak Mail 813
Mason, Oh 45040
(513) 770-0256
* Have something large and awkward to ship?
* How about getting the best value for small package shipping?
* Need something sent overnight?

Pak Mail is the most comprehensive packing and shipping business you will ever use.
We help our customers do everything from sticking a stamp on a letter, to packing and shipping delicate crystal, to crating heavy machinery going overseas.
Pak Mail Shipping
1. We Ship Anything, Anywhere!
2. 1st Class Customer Service
3. We pack to the highest standards
4. Declared Value Coverage Available
5. Reliable
6. Custom Packaging Available
7. Quick Turnaround
8. Our experience speaks for itself
9. Dependable
10. Incredible References
You know it's been a long time since someone really "grabbed" my attention with customer service. Usually it's a tag line, or a video you watch as a "new hire". I actually had a bloggable (is that a word?) experience. I was mailing my cookbook back the publisher, it was snowy and Staples seemed too far. I stopped in PAKMAIL by Krogers' strip mall (near Socialville Foster). The owner was there and knew the other customers by name. He shook my hand and showed me where they were shipping to (Someone was moving to China!) He gave me coupons, fridge magnet, and discussed how he could help me do future shipments, the how and the where. They even called me the next day to let me know my package had arrived to it's destination. He wasn't hard sell, just a good sell. I'm not into shipping AT ALL! I got the impression he actually had a passion about, well, shipping. I will return to him simply for the support. I don't do much shipping, but thought a good business deserves a mention. How about you? What business in our area do you think deserves support and why?

Friday, February 13, 2009


Hey - I am a virgin blogger. Just testing if this works.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

spring warning

Ok - I know that with the weather as it is you are not thinking spring ... well it's coming and it's coming soon. So, in time for spring when all of the birds and the bees are out ... pay attention.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


It's a little early yet but not too early to start making those 2009 yard care plans. The first application should be mid-March so back by popular demand, here it is, the John Conyer Yard Care Program©.

First Application

Mid March to April 1st depending on soil temps

Scotts® Turf Builder® With Halts® Crabgrass Preventer
This could be the most important application of the year and timing is critical. Crabgrass seeds begin germination when soil temps reach 60 degrees. This product will not kill crabgrass. It only “HALTS” the seed germination.

Second Application (use one of the two listed)
May 15th ish

Scotts® Turf Builder® With PLUS 2® Weed Control - Use if you have a broad leaf weed problem) I do not have a broad leaf weed problem so I use – see below
Scotts® Turf Builder® Lawn Fertilizer with 2% Iron – May 15th ish

Third & Fourth Application
Mid June ish

Scotts® Turf Builder® With SummerGuard – This is a good product for pet owners. This will kill off ants, armyworms, billbugs, chiggers, chinch bugs, crickets, fleas, grasshoppers, mole crickets, mealy bugs, sod webworms (lawn moth larvae), spiders, ticks, weevils. It also feeds and strengthens grass for the upcoming hot months.

Mid June ish one week after above treatment

Scotts® GrubEx® Season-Long Grub Killer – This is very important. I skipped this last year and spent more money fixing dead spots than the twenty dollar bag would have cost me. Grubs are bad in many ways. One they come to the top of the soil in mid June. They will chew the grass roots off and kill your grass. You can tell if you have them if you grab a fist of grass and it comes right up. Grubs also encourage moles, skunks and other animals that will eat them. This product has no fertilizer in it.

Fifth Application
Mid August

Scotts® Turf Builder® Lawn Fertilizer with 2% Iron - Nothing special here, just a feeding. This can be skipped if you want

Sixth Application

Mid September

I will be over-seeding this year with a better seed than what the builder used something more heat tolerant. Over seeding is simply seeding over the existing lawn. I will probably only do the front. It is tough to the entire yard and keep the seed properly watered.

When over-seeding I will use: Scotts® Starter® Fertilizer – This has a lower nitrogen content allowing for good seed germination. Keep lawn damp as much as possible. The cool damp nights help this in the fall.

Step 1 – Full Yard Aeration – helps loosen compacted clay soil
Step 2 – Seed front yard only
Step 3 – Apply Scotts® Starter® Fertilizer and keep seed damp

Seventh Application


Scotts® Turf Builder® WinterGuard With PLUS 2® Weed Control – You will not see any immediate results from this. This is a jump start for next spring and it will kill off any cool season broad leaf weeds. This product helps root production and helps store carbohydrates for the winter.

neighborhood health program

In case you haven't been paying attention, in addition to the Western Row roadwork looking good, Donatos and Penn Station have moved into the neighborhood. They are at 4200 Aero Drive - the corner of Tylersville and Western Row; well within walking distance especially once the bike trail along Western Row is finished. But more exciting is that a Blue Ash Chili is opening there in March.

As part of part of our neighborhood health awareness program I would be happy to organize walks to these for breakfast or lunch if someone would be willing to buy my meal.

Friday, February 6, 2009

winter fun

It's gone now thanks to the warm sun but in case you missed it ...

Saturday, January 31, 2009


In just a short time we will be enjoying Super Bowl XLIII. We are having some friends from church over to watch. If you are sitting around and prefer watching the game with strangers rather than alone, please feel free to drop by after 5 pm. We will have plenty of food and drinks but if you have something you want to get rid of, bring it over ... 6788 Summer Field.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Thinking Spring!

Hey there are some really cool FREE classes offered by Boone County Cooperative Extension Program. Barb & I attended a class on canning and preserving last year. You do not need to be a resident of Ky. to attend!
Visit: or call 859-586-6101 to register. The classes fill up quickly.
Some class topics: "Making a Container Garden", "Composting for Beginners ", "Cook It Fast, Cook It Slow", "Lawn Establishment and Care" (But we have Mike and John), "Basically Beef", "Whole Grain Greatness", Best Trees for No. Climates" "Foods from Colombia", "Growing Tomatoes" and "Growing Berries and Grapes At Home" etc. MANY MORE CLASSES!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Did You Know?

January: is the perfect time to find amazing deals on bedding, cookware and toys.

February: small consumer electronics, like mp3 players, as well as treadmills and indoor furniture for the best deals

March: ideal time to buy computers, humidifiers and winter coats. If you don't already have these items from last winter, now is the time to buy.

April:The prices on spring clothing and digital cameras will be at their lowest.

May: ideal time to buy cordless phones and athletic apparel.
June: summer sports gear and swimwear.

July: computers, indoor, outdoor furniture

August: camping gear, air condiitioners, lawnmowers

September: gas grills, landscaping equiptment

October: Winter coats, digital cameras

November: leaf blowers and toys

December:discounts on televisions, bikes, grills and computers

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Here is the weather pattern we had, and that you want to watch for. We got lucky, because of the temperatures! Yeah!
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Monday, January 5, 2009


I'm not sure if this is helpful, but since I grew up here my whole life, I have learned a pattern in the weather. When you hear "Moisture is coming out of the Texas panhandle" in the winter it usually means a significant amount of moisture comes our way. In the winter it is usually a significant snow fall (over 6 inches of snow). Alberta Clippers or things from the Northwest rarely yield snow, just cold. I can see something out of Texas now, and the news will just be shocked in a few days."My goodness, where did this storm come from?" It happens every year. Watch the temperature Tuesday. I just see this pattern every year and and thought maybe you might want to put that Texas panhandle pattern in the back of your mind. Also our biggest snows usually happen after Martin Luther King Day. I mean if you came from somewhere far out like, I don't know, Germany, how would you know this?

Mike on the news

Friday, January 2, 2009

video camera needed

I have some old 8mm home movies I'd like to move to digital format but my camera does not work. Does anyone have an camera or other device capable of playing 8mm video cassettes?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Home at Entrance of Mason Fields

Great news...In early December a letter was sent to the holding company of the foreclosed house at the entrance of the neighborhood which had become an eyesore. In summary, the letter stated that the exterior of the home was in violation of the HOA policies for home appearance / maintenance. The policy that was voted into place earlier in 2008 and the letter clearly got results...if anybody has seen the house lately there has been people working on both the inside and outside.

Outside fixes include cleaning up trash, fixing storm damage from Sept such as shingles and siding missing, in addition the shutters on the sides of the windows have even been replaced (about half were missing). This was all done at no costs for the neighborhood.