Monday, January 5, 2009


I'm not sure if this is helpful, but since I grew up here my whole life, I have learned a pattern in the weather. When you hear "Moisture is coming out of the Texas panhandle" in the winter it usually means a significant amount of moisture comes our way. In the winter it is usually a significant snow fall (over 6 inches of snow). Alberta Clippers or things from the Northwest rarely yield snow, just cold. I can see something out of Texas now, and the news will just be shocked in a few days."My goodness, where did this storm come from?" It happens every year. Watch the temperature Tuesday. I just see this pattern every year and and thought maybe you might want to put that Texas panhandle pattern in the back of your mind. Also our biggest snows usually happen after Martin Luther King Day. I mean if you came from somewhere far out like, I don't know, Germany, how would you know this?

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