Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Kids and Cars

I am all for driving under the speed limit in the neighborhood and I have advised my sons to do the same (please let me know if you see them going too fast). I also remember playing tennis in the street as a kid and dashing to the curb when a car was seen or heard. That being said...twice on the same trip (leaving and coming back from dinner) Mike and I noticed kids on the side of the street, looking right at us and then one of them darts across the street, in front of our car. We were going slow and making eye contact. Both times we stopped and rolled down the window and said, "Hey, don't do that." in a nice, but firm manner. Am I out of line? I know when I was a kid a reprimand from an adult in the neighborhood made me think twice. I do not want to step on toes, but I am trying to help when even driving slow gets scary.


The Klaus's said...

I don't think your crazy, I also got out of the street for cars when I was a kid. I would do the same thing. Rich and I have asked neighborhood kids to pick up there trash at the pond and not to damage neighborhood property on several occasions while in our backyard.

ricki said...

you're right ... it goes both ways ... but if you see me in the street not moving, feel free to rev your engine, honk, whatever.


Wesley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ricki said...

Wes ... I saw your comment before you deleted it. I'm watchin' for ya ...

Karen Osler said...

Actually it was me. I rambled,thought it was funny, but then didn't realize I was doing it under Wesley's name. It was too stupid to repeat. I just have to make sure I don't back over anyone, like a president of the HOA or something. I have to give an "Atta Boy" to the Thatcher kids. They were biking out front, saw me and all immediately went to the sidewalks.....they must know my driving style!

ricki said...

Most of the tri-state area has heard of your driving.
