Ortho Weed B Gon
How to Use
Spray weeds until they are thoroughly misted, but not dripping.
When to Apply
Spray when weeds are actively growing. Rain or watering 1 hour after application will not wash away effectiveness. Spray when daytime temperatures are above 45° F and below 90° F.
How often to apply
Apply to actively growing weeds as needed. Wait 2-3 weeks before reapplying to same weeds. Some difficult to control weeds may require additional applications to achieve complete control.
Where to Use
Use Ortho® Weed B Gon MAX® Plus Crabgrass Control to kill the toughest weeds in these lawns: Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Fescues, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, and Zoysiagrass.
Where Not to Use
Do not use on St. Augustine, Centipede or Bahiagrass lawns.
What it Controls
Weeds: Kills over 225 weeds, including: Barnyardgrass, Broadleaf Signalgrass, Bur Clover, Carpetweeds, Chickweeds, Creeping Charlie, Cudweed, Curly Dock, Dandelion, English Daisy, False Dandelion, Field Bindweed, Filaree, Florida Pusley, Heartleaf Drymary, Henbit, Junglerice, Kikuyugrass*, Large Crabgrass, Oxalis, Pennywort, Plantains, Purslane, Red Sorrel, Sheep Sorrel, Smooth Crabgrass, Giant Foxtail, Green Foxtail, Yellow Foxtail, Torpedograss*, Speedwell, Spurges, Spurweed, Thistles, Toadflax, White Clover, Wild Carrot, Wild Geranium, Wild Onion, and other broadleaf weeds. *Make 2 sequential applications at 14 to 21 day intervals to control.
Desired Results
Should see twisting, curling, and yellowing of weed leaves in 24 hours on most weeds.
Rick will this leave drk. brown dead spots like roundup?
No, those spots are from your dog.
Lol. Luckily he doesn't use the front yard......now the back yard......You'd think we were feeding him battery acid!
No I have round-up. Is this just like round up is the question?
All of the round-up I have seen kills everything ... the weed be gone stuff is specific to broadleaf weeds so your grass is safe.
You can try to hit individual weeds or spray an area. Like round-up, you can buy it mixed with a sprayer attached to the container. This is better if you are spraying spots. I had a lot of weeds so I bought the mix that attaches to a container that attaches to the garden hose. That was cheaper and gave me better coverage. In the future I will likely only spot spray.
Like anything else, it is generally safe but it shouldn't be used when temps are really high because the grass is already stressed. I also imagine you can over do it and eventually kill your grass. Etc. But generally speaking, your grass around the weed won't mind and will eventually be happier when the weed is gone.
Thanks Rick
Flag on the play- sod is flat out cheating. I cannot compete with you if you stoop to this level. Real men use weed be gone not sod! I'm squirting your sod w/ Roundup! I have a reputation to maintain (and don't say I'm maintaining it!lol)
it's ok ... after i did it, the sod guy told me that i did it all wrong and it will not only likely not take, but the grass that was there will die as well ... we'll see, i'm not messing with it any more.
oh no, I must bow my head in shame. Jim took some and put it on wrong,too and under our deck. I am humbled.....we did the sod............I'll put my round-up away. Forgive me.
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