Thursday, June 26, 2008

What You Need To Know When you Are New To The Area

We have a few new families moving in this summer. I thought I'd start a post and other's could add onto it with their thoughts. What do you need to know about this area when you move in?
Trash pick up is Monday, but they come early Monday am, so consider putting it out Sunday pm. They do trash pick up on holidays. Recycling bins are free and available at the Mason City Building (across from the Community Center.) They will give you 2 if you ask, but the recycling guy told me they are instructed to pick up the second if neither bin is that full.
You live near the Little Miami Scenic Bike Trail. Family fun, but not wise to go it alone. King's Island and the Zoo are good memberships. Krohn Conservatory is free and wonderful to see spring flowers end of January!
3 Major grocery stores: Bigg's, Meijer's, and Kroger's.BUT Jungle Jim's is a blast! Kids love it. I encourage you to go early (8-9a) with kids so it's less crowded and they can enjoy it more. Oh,and take me, Karen Osler. I can show you the cool stuff.
Cincinnatians say things like PONY KEG which is the local stop and shop . "UDF" is United Dairy Farmers which is also a pony keg......... We also say "Please?" when we want something repeated.
Best food unique to our area: Skyline Chili, Graeter's ice cream and I think the Precinct Restaurant/Jeff Ruby's Steakhouse. The best restaurant to see the city is the Riverview (in N. Ky), which revolves around- they have a nice Sunday brunch.
The Level 1 Trauma Centers are Univ. of Cincinnati and Miami Valley. Level 3 is Bethesda North. Children's Hospital is THE place to take your kids, known worldwide. They have an Urgent Care at Children's Mason 6p-11p. A new 24/7 Children's will be open in West Chester in August. John and I have both tried the Doctor's Urgent Care on Tylersville with satisfaction. Arrow Springs ER is 2 exits up- SR 48 North. Same docs and nurses as B-North but no waits and fastest way to get a bed at North. That being said I am forever partial to Christ Hospital. What you weren't asking?

Okay- help me out. What do you think our new neighbors need to know?


ricki said...

... and they pick-up branches from those trees that need trimming along the sidewalks if you leave the cuttings by the curb on Tuesdays right?

Karen Osler said...

And that Mason Police hide at the end of Western Row Road and Tylersville and at Hope church - looking for speeders in the morning.

Karen Osler said...

This was from RaKell Adams, who just moved. I thought it'd be of some interest!
I thought Waynesville was a fun place to go, and they have their cool sauerkraut festival. Newport on the Levy was kind of cool. I liked the aquarium and the zoo had cool flowers. I liked shopping at Gabriel Brothers (good place to shop if you have kids). Dewey's Pizza is a favorite, and now there is one in West Chester by Target. There is Montgomery Inn and there is the Golden Lamb. Some people might not know about the walking trails behind the high school, or even the fun walking paths in Village Lakes.

Karen Osler said...

Okay I'll continue since you guys aren't playing........
We live in Warren County. Most of our weather comes from Butler county. They only sound the civil defense sirens for actual tornado warnings, whereas Hamilton County (South of us does it for Thunderstorm warnings). The sirens are hard to hear. They are tested monthly at noon, but I forget which day. Tuesday or Wed.? We consider 5-6 inch snow to be significant. We tend to get snowstorms over ice storms.

Anonymous said...


You forgot one of America's great institutions when it comes to grocery stores, SUPER WALMART