Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mowers For Hire

For anybody who is interested, I found a very reasonable mowing service, the did my lawn the first time today and it looks great. They are flexible so they will let me reduce the number of mowings as the heat of summer hits...paying $35/mow. I decided to be lazy this year since the baby is keeping us pretty busy!!!

Contact is Nick Linberg
513.304.5447 (somewhat slow on returning email, but you will eventually hear email's seem to be going to his spam box even though it is one yahoo acct to another).


Karen Osler said...

Are you kidding? I have TWO 14 year old boys who can do it for $20 and bring their own mowers/gas!!!! We are blessed with a plethora of bored teen boys in our neighborhood- let's WORK THEM! YEAH!

Karen Osler said...

Oh our phone number is 336-0312 if you are interested in the boys, but I totally understand wanting an outside person do it, too.

Jessica said...

Really, Andrea... what is WRONG with you two that you can't mow your own grass?!? ;)

By the way, did you tell them how far across your front lawn expands??